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Kangmin Hu
Innogrit Corp.
Author Speaker Past Attendee VIP

    Kangmin Hu received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2004, the M.S. degree in microelectronics from Fudan University in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State University in 2011. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.

    From 2011 till 2018, he was with Broadcom as an analog IC design scientist working on high speed NRZ and PAM-4 wireline transceiver IC chips for data centers. He is now with Innogrit Corp. San Jose, CA.

    He was a recipient of 2008 Best Poster Award from Center for Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits (CDADIC), and 2011 Intel/Helic Student Scholarship Award at the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC). Dr. Hu holds 2 US patents and 1 China patent, and published 20+ paper in IEEE peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
