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Tony Davies
King's College London (retired)
Past Attendee

    I am an Emeritus Professor of King's College London, having retired from,the Dept of Electronic Engineering there about 20 years ago.

    Before going to King's College London, I was at The City University London for many years.

    I have been active as a volunteer in IEEE for very many years, and have been IEEE R8 Director and hence on the IEEE Board of Directors.

    I have also been active in the CAS Society in many roles as well as in its predecessor, the IEEE Circuit Theory Group.  I was the CAS Society Vice President for R8 for a number of years..

    After leaving secondary school, I served in the British Army, in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, for two years, trained to repair radios and transmitters, spending my second year as a Leading Artisan Sergeant.  After that I was a BSc(Eng) undergraduate at Southampton University where I was awarded a 1st Class Hons degree in Electrical Engineering and then went to GEC Telecommunications at Coventry.  Over the years, I spent a year at UBC, Vancouver, Canada, later a year at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana USA, and later a year at British Aerospace Army Weapons Division, Stevenage.

    I was awarded an MPhil by London University and a PhD by The City University, where I became Professor of Information Engineering.   I am a Fellow of IEEE and IET (formerly IEE) and a Member of BCS.