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Ralf Brederlow
Technical University of Munich
Author Past Attendee VIP

    Ralf Brederlow started his career at Corporate Research of Infineon Technologies in 1999 working on security aspects of MCUs, and sensor systems for bio-medical applications. In 2006 he joined Texas Instrument in Freising, Germany, being responsible for the research and development of new circuits and technology for TI’s still industry leading ultra-low-energy MSP430 microcontrollers. In 2014 he started a branch of TI’s research department Kilby Labs in Freising working on sensing topics. In 2019 he was appointed to a full professorship for circuit design at the Technical University of Munich. Ralf Brederlow holds 32 patents and has published 68 papers. In 2008 he has been General Chair of the IEDM, from 2013-14 chair of the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC steering committee, and in 2018 Technical Program Co-Chair of the ESSCIRC conference in Dresden. He is a co-reciepient of the 2019 VLSI Circuit Symposium Best Student Paper Award, and a Senior Member of IEEE.