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Shikhar Tuli
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Author Speaker Past Attendee VIP

    Shikhar Tuli is an undergraduate student at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi, India and an incoming graduate student at Princeton University, Princeton, USA. He is the founder and CEO of Qubit Inc. He has worked remotely with the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory, Department of Computing and Information Systems, the University of Melbourne, Australia in the realization of the FogBus framework. He has also worked at the Embedded Systems Laboratory, EPFL, Switzerland in the design of low-power and physics-optimized Edge devices made from emerging Non-Volatile Memories. His research interests include Internet of Things (IoT), In-memory and Neuromorphic computing architectures and Nanoelectronics. He specializes in designing novel hardware technologies that are valuable to both industry and academia.