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Jason Eshraghian
UC Santa Cruz
Past Attendee Author Chair

    Jason K. Eshraghian is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Santa Cruz, CA, USA. Prior to that, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He

    received the Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) and the Bachelor of Laws degrees from The University of Western Australia, WA, Australia in 2016, where he also completed his Ph.D. Degree.

    He is the developer of snnTorch, a high-profile Python library used to train and model brain-inspired spiking neural networks, which has amassed over 60,000 downloads since its release. It has been used at Meta, the Space Communications and Navigation project arm of NASA, and has been

    integrated for native acceleration with GraphCore’s Intelligent Processing Units.

    Professor Eshraghian was awarded the 2019 IEEE VLSI Best Paper Award, the Best Paper Award at 2019 IEEE Artificial Intelligence CAS Conference, and the Best Live Demonstration Award at 2020 IEEE ICECS for his work on neuromorphic vision and in-memory computing using RRAM. He

    currently serves as the secretary-elect of the IEEE Neural Systems and Applications Committee, and was a recipient of the Fulbright Future Fellowship (Australian-America Fulbright Commission), the Forrest Research Fellowship (Forrest Research Foundation), and the Endeavour Fellowship (Australian Government).