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Giacomo Langfelder Headshot
Past Attendee

    Giacomo Langfelder received his Master in Electronics Engineering and his Ph.D. in Information Technology in 2005 and 2009 respectively from Politecnico di Milano, Italy. There, he has been Associate Professor and Lecturer of MEMS and Microsensors since November 2019. Giacomo has been as well the director of the MEMS and Microsensors laboratory since January 2014. His research interests include sensors, their front-end electronics, and related applications. Within his research, he has been collaborating with industries for more than a decade. He was the sole author or co-author of about 170 peer-reviewed scientific articles and conference proceedings. He was also the co-author of 15 international patents. He served as TPC member for the MEMS conference and Inertial Sensors conference. In 2014, he was a co-founder and President of ITmems s.r.l., a spin-off company dedicated to the development of Instrumentation for the characterization of MEMS and sensors.