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João Goes
Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon / CTS
Author Speaker Past Attendee VIP

    João Goes graduated from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), in 1992. He obtained the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. degrees in ECE, respectively, in 1996 and 2000, from the Technical University of Lisbon and the ‘Agregado’degree ('Habilitation'degree), in Electronics, in 2012 from the NOVA University of Lisbon (NOVA).

    João Goes has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT) of NOVA, since April 1998, where he is currently a Full Professor. From July 2012 till December 2019, he was heading the Department.

    From 1998, he has been a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Technology and Systems (CTS) at UNINOVA Institute and he has been responsible for the micro and nano-electronics Research Unit. From November 2012 to September 2017, João Goes was the Director of CTS comprising nearly 60 integrated members and 100 PhD students.

    In Sep. 2003 he co-founded and served, for 4 years, as the CTO (and Board member) of ACACIA Semiconductor SA, a Portuguese engineering company specialized in high-performance data converter and analog front-end products (acquired by Silicon and Software Systems, S3, in Oct. 2007, now DIALOG). Since Nov. 2007 he does his lectures and carry out his research activities with part-time consultancy work.

    From March 1997 until March 1998 he was Project Manager at CHIPIDEA SA (now SYNOPSYS). João Goes was the first Engineer hired.

    From December 1993 to February 1997 he worked as a Senior Researcher at Integrated Circuits and Systems Group (GCSI) at IST doing research on data converters and analog filters. Since 1992 he has participated and led several National and European projects in science, technology, networking and training. He has been the Primary Investigator of over 20 projects.

    João Goes has supervised (concluded) 14 Ph.D. and 32 M.Sc. Theses. He has published over 200 papers in international journals (50+) and leading IEEE leading conferences (ISSCC, VLSI, CICC and ESSCIRC), he holds 3 international patents and he is co-author of 8 books and several chapters in both, scientific and educational editions.

    João Goes is Senior Member of IEEE since 2009 (Member since 1995) and Member of the Circuits and Systems (CASS) and Solid-State Circuits (SSCS) Societies. He was the Chairman of the IEEE CASS Analog Signal Processing Technical Committee, ASPTC, respectively, for the term 2013-2015. He has been serving as Program co-Chairman, Organization co-Chairman and Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member for numerous conferences, such as, ISCAS (IEEE), PRIME (IEEE) IMSTW, AMICSA (ESA) and DoCEIS (DEEC/FCT/UNL). He was the TPC co-Chairman of IEEE ISCAS’2015, held in Lisbon in 24-27 May 2015 and he was also the TPC co-Chairman of PRIME'2016.

    João Goes is co-author of the journal paper recipient of the 2012 IEEE CASS Outstanding Young Author Award, co-winner (1st place) of the first edition of the “Innovation Award INCM” 2016 and he has been Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems– II – Express-Briefs, from 2016 until 2021.