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Video s3
    Karolos-Alexandros Tsakalos Headshot
    Democritus University of Thrace

    The time series of the brain are usually characterized by the co-existence of synchronized and desynchronized behaviors. This type of behavior is related to normal and disorderly functions of the brain. One of the suggested mechanisms to understand this behavior are chimera states, which are characterized by the co-existence of coherent and incoherent dynamics and are evident in symmetrically coupled identical oscillators. The behavior of Chua’s circuit, the simplest electronic circuit exhibiting chaotic time-evolution, has been proven to make chaotic systems produce synchronized oscillations. In this paper, combining these two concepts, we investigate a memristive crossbar network, interconnecting Chua’s circuits, which is able to exhibit collective behaviors analogous to chimera states. SPICE-level circuit simulations prove the efficacy of the proposed network to reproduce dynamic synchronized and desynchronized behaviors and chimera states.

    • Emergence of Chimera States with Re-Programmable Memristor Crossbar Arrays (application/pdf)