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Imran Pervez Headshot
Display Name
Imran Pervez
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Author Speaker

    IMRAN PERVEZ received his Bachelor’s degree

    (Hons.) in Electrical engineering from the Aligarh

    Muslim University, India. He is currently pursuing

    an MS degree in Electrical and Computer En-

    gineering from the University of King Abdullah

    University of Science and Technology, Thuwal,

    Saudi Arabia, affiliated with ITL Lab. He has

    published several papers on Solar PV power op-

    timization techniques in conference proceedings

    and peer-reviewed journals. he has also served as

    a reviewer in several IEEE transactions. In two of his proceeding, he has

    gotten the best paper award. He was also the recipient of the Typhoon

    HIL Dissertation Award for his exceptional research contributions. His areas

    of interest include smart grids, solar power optimization, applied machine

    learning, stochastic search-based optimization algorithms, and programming
