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Panagiotis Giounanlis Headshot
University College Dublin
Author Speaker Past Attendee Tutorial VIP

    Dr. Panagiotis Giounanlis is a postdoc senior physicist at Equal 1 Labs since September 2017.

    He is leading the work strand on simulation and design of CMOS qubits, quantum gates and quantum neural networks. Providing theoretical and modelling support for QSOC design. Leading a team of researchers in developing analytical and computational methods for the characterization and simulation of physical models of silicon quantum dots and quantum experiments. Multi-particle modelling of interaction and entanglement of spin, hybrid and charge based qubits. Modelling of decoherence and noise effects, description of quantum transport and interaction of silicon qubits by the theory of open quantum systems.

    He received the B.SC. degree in Physics and M.Sc. degree - Computational Physics Master of Science from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece, in 2008 and 2011 respectively.

    In 2017, Panagiotis Giounanlis received his Ph.D degree for his research on the modelling of non-linear effects for micro-scale devices (MEMS) and their application to reliability and control by the use of both numerical and analytical approaches.

    His research interests include:

    • Modelling and simulation of micro-scale devices and complex systems
    • Solid-state Physics
    • Computational quantum mechanics