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Olcay Kursun
University of Central Arkansas
Author Speaker Past Attendee

    Olcay Kursun received his PhD degree in 2004 in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida (UCF), where he was appointed as lecturer from 2003 to 2006; during this time, he also worked for data mining projects of Departments of Engineering Technology and Criminal Justice in collaboration with the Orange County Sherriff’s Office. He was appointed as a faculty member at Istanbul University from 2009 to 2016. He worked as a researcher in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina in 2016-2017. In Fall 2017, he has joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Central Arkansas. His research interests are in the field of pattern recognition with particular interest in biological neural models and their applications in image processing, neuroscience, biomedical engineering and bioinformatics.