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Shantanu Chakrabartty Headshot
Washington University in St. Louis
Chair Speaker Past Attendee VIP

    Shantanu Chakrabartty is a Clifford Murphy Professor in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA. He holds a B.Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and a M.S and Ph.D degrees in Electrical Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. He previously has held positions at Qualcomm Incorporated, San Diego and at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Dr. Chakrabartty’s work covers different aspects of analog computing, and his current research interests include self-powered sensors and neuromorphic and hybrid circuits and systems. Dr. Chakrabartty was a Catalyst foundation fellow from 1999-2004 and is a recipient of National Science Foundation’s CAREER award, University Teacher-Scholar Award from MSU and the Technology of the Year Award from MSU Technologies. Dr. Chakrabartty is a senior member of the IEEE, has previously served as the associate editor for IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Circuits and Systems and is currently serving as an associate editor for the Frontiers of Neuroscience journal.