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Hadi Heidari
University of Glasgow
Author Chair Past Attendee

    Hadi Heidari (PhD, SMIEEE, FHEA) is an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in the James Watt School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom. His Microelectronics Lab (meLAB) consists of 3 postdoctoral researchers and 8 PhD students, conducts pioneering research on magnetoelectronics and integrated microelectronics design for wearable and implantable devices.

    Dr Heidari's research has been funded by major research councils and funding organizations including the European Commission, EPSRC, Royal Society and Scottish Funding Council. He is PI for EU H2020 MSCA-IF "WiseCure: Wireless Implantable Devices for Neurological Disorders Cure" and the €8.4M EU H2020 FET-Proactive “Hybrid Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Systems (HERMES)” projects. He is a member of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland (YAS) and a member of the eFutures Steering Group (an EPSRC-funded network representing the UK’s electronic systems academic community). He is a member of EPSRC College, and also reviews proposals for the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Royal Society of New Zealand. 

    Dr Heidari is a member of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Board of Governors (2018-2020)IEEE Sensors Council Member-at-Large (2020-2021), Senior Member of IEEE and Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology and IEEE Access, Editor of Elsevier Microelectronics Journal, and Guest Editor for the IEEE Sensors Journal, and Frontiers in Neuroscience. He is the General Chair of 27th IEEE ICECS 2020, Technical Program Chair of IEEE PRIME'19, and serves on the organising committee of several conferences including the UK Circuits and Systems Workshop (UKCAS),  UK-China Emerging Technologies (UCET) Conference, IEEE SENSORS’16 and ’17, NGCAS’17, BioCAS’18, PRIME’15, ISCAS'23, and the organiser of several special sessions on the IEEE Conferences.

    Dr Heidari has authored/co-authored over 170 peer-reviewed publications in top-tier journals or conference proceedings and acts as a reviewer for several journals and conferences. He has been the recipient of a number of awards including the 2020 IET Healthcare Technologies Early Career JA Lodge Award, 2019 IEEE Sensors Council Young Professional Award, the Rewards for Excellence prize from the University of Glasgow (2018), Silk Road Award from the Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC’16), Best Paper Award from the IEEE ISCAS’14 conference, Gold Leaf Award from the IEEE PRIME’14 Conference. He has been an external examiner for multiple PhD theses, including students at Imperial College London, University of Southampton, and Aarhus University.