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Manuel Delgado-Restituto Headshot
IMSE, CSIC & Univ Sevilla
Past Attendee Author Chair Tutorial VIP

    Manuel Delgado-Restituto (M'96, SM'12) received the M.S. degree in Physics and the Ph.D. degree (with honors) in Physics-Electronics from the University of Seville, Spain, in 1988 and 1996, respectively. Currently, he is a Senior Research Scientist at the Institute of Microelectronics of Seville (IMSE-CNM/CSIC), Spain.

    Throughout his professional career, Dr. Delgado-Restituto has sought the balance between long-term pioneering research and innovative industrial developments, always in the area of analog and mixed-signal design with an emphasis on systems integration.

    During the early years of his career, under numerous R&D programs and contracts funded mostly by the European Commission, he carried out advanced R&D activities on bio-inspired microelectronics, including image processors and neuro-fuzzy interpolators and controllers. He also pioneered the application of chaotic dynamics to instrumentation and communications and he completed the design and prototyping of the world's first integrated circuits with controllable chaotic behavior, and the silicon integration of the world's first chaos-based communication modem chips. This groundbreaking work involved a holistic approach, from the very definition of the modulation scheme to the physical realization in CMOS, including novel solutions at the architecture and circuit level. He also made significant contributions to the area of structured analog and mixed-signal design, including the design of integrated circuits for powerline and wireless communication systems, filters, and data converters; the development of electronic automation tools for the reusability of intellectual property blocks under specification changes and/or technology migrations; and the development of event-based behavior simulators to shorten the design cycle of mixed-signal circuits. Some of the chips developed during these activities were leading-edge in their respective fields and were transferred to national or international companies, some of them going into mass production.

    Since 2012, Prof. Delgado-Restituto has led a research group at IMSE-CNM on low-power medical microelectronics and works on the design of silicon microsystems to understand biological neural systems, the development of neural prostheses and brain-machine interfaces, the development of high-performance photonic devices for medical imaging, the implementation of short-range wireless transceivers with biomedical sensing capabilities. Major milestones in this period have been the design of wireless nodes for body area networks, including the front-end for a "Bluetooth Low-Energy" (BLE) transceiver in the 2.4 GHz ISM band and a fully ISO 18000-6C compliant RFID tag incorporating sensors for temperature and heart rate monitoring. Additionally, he has made impactful, worldwide-recognized contributions in the development of closed-loop controlled millimeter-sized neuro-prostheses to provide alternative therapeutic procedures for drug-resistant neurological diseases. This has involved the design and characterization (including in vitro or in vivo experiments) of different building blocks neural signal recorders with data compression capabilities, electrical and optical high-voltage neural tissue stimulators, regulated power management units with energy consumption assessment, inductive links for power and data transfer to/from the implant, or the development of embedded processors for the identification of abnormal brain states based on the extraction of biomarkers and the use of data-driven algorithms based on ML techniques.

    He has directed more than 20 research works, including doctoral theses (9), master theses, and bachelor projects. In addition, he has participated in more than 20 Research Projects financed with National or European funds, 11 of them as PI or co-PI. He has also contributed to 7 contracts with spin-off companies and performed consulting services for the industry.

    Dr. Delgado-Restituto has coauthored about 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 2 books, over 20 chapters in collective works, 7 patents, and presented more than 130 works at conferences, including some keynotes and tutorials. He has also given about 20 seminars/courses worldwide on topics related to his research. He has chaired several IEEE international conferences (NDES 1996, ECCTD 2007, ESSCIRC 2010, ICECS 2012) and 2 SPIE conferences. He has been the General co-chair of IEEE ISCAS 2020, the Technical Program co-chair of IEEE ISCAS 2022, and is currently the General co-chair of IEEE ISCAS 2026. He is also on the organizing committee of several conferences. In terms of editorial contributions, Dr. Delgado-Restituto has been a member of the editorial boards of different scientific journals: IEEE TCAS-I and IEEE TCAS-II as Associate Editor, and IEEE JETCAS as editor-in-chief. In 2016, he was appointed Vice President for publications of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, and in 2022 he was elected as its President, a position he currently holds.