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Hsu-Feng Hsiao
National Chiao Tung University
Chair Speaker Past Attendee VIP

    Hsu-Feng Hsiao received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from University of Washington, Seattle. He was an engineering officer with the Communication Research Laboratory of the Ministry of National Defense, Taiwan, and a software engineer at HomeMeeting, Redmond, WA, USA. He is an Associate Professor in the department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University. His research interests include multimedia signal processing, channel coding, and communications. He has served as either a RCM or TPC for several conferences, including IEEE ISCAS, IEEE Globecom, IEEE 5G World Forum, IEEE MMSP. Dr. Hsiao is a member of the Visual Signal Processing and Communications Technical Committee of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. He serves in the editorial board as an Associate Editor for IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems.