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Andres Erazo
University of Saskatchewan
Author Speaker Past Attendee

    Andres Erazo (M'15) graduated as Master in Engineering Science in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering with mention in Biomedical Engineering and Robotics at University of Queensland, Australia in 2014. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering at University of Saskatchewan, Canada. His scientific interests include applications with biomedical devices, bio-inspired robotics, and intelligent prosthesis/orthesis. Mr. Erazo is cofounder of the Research Group “Bio-Inspired and Bio-Applied Technologies – Bio4Tech” at Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. He is an IEEE Member of RAS and EMBS and held the chair of the Robotics and Automation Society of Ecuador Section R9 for the 2019 year.