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Video s3
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    Hyunmyung Oh
    Pohang University of Science and Technology

    As Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) started to show promising performance with limited memory and computational cost, various RRAM-based in-memory BNN accelerator designs have been proposed. While a single RRAM cell can represent a binary weight, previous designs had to use two RRAM cells for a weight to enable XNOR operation between a binary weight and a binary activation. In this work, we propose to convert the XNOR-based computation to RRAM-friendly multiplication without any accuracy loss so that we can reduce the required number of RRAM cells by half. As the required number of cells to compute a BNN model is reduced, the energy and area overhead is also reduced. Experimental results show that the proposed in-memory accelerator architecture achieves ∼1.9× area efficiency improvement and ∼1.8× energy efficiency improvement over previous architectures on various image classification benchmarks.

    • Single RRAM Cell-Based In-Memory Accelerator Architecture for Binary Neural Networks (application/pdf)