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Video s3
    Laysson Oliveira Luz Headshot
    Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    The Nanomagnetic Logic (NML) is a promising new technology that can build devices with low power at room temperature. Furthermore, this technology allows mixing logic and memory on the same device. The creation of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools and flows is an essential step towards the development of NML for integrated designs. There is plenty of room for developing new EDA methodologies for this kind of emerging nanotechnologies since the scarce number of works in this field. Standard cells is an important step in this context since they strongly relate to the routing and placement algorithms. This work presents NMLib, an NML cell library developed for the NMLSim 2.0 simulator. In contrast to CMOS, the NML features require not only logic cells, but also interconnection cells, since all circuit is developed using the same building block. Moreover, we present a full-adder and a ripple carry adder circuit designs using NMLib to demonstrate NMLib feasibility.

    • NMLib: A Nanomagnetic Logic Standard Cell Library (application/pdf)