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Video s3
    Jisu Kwon Headshot
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    Jisu Kwon
    Kyungpook National University
    South Korea

    Iterative register-transfer level (RTL) simulation is essential for the edge processor design, but the RTL simulation speed is significantly slower in a system where various RTL models are complicatedly integrated. In this paper, we propose a novel metamorphic edge processor simulation framework that partitions the software part and virtualizes it in the system emulator to eject from full RTL simulation. The system emulator, which is written in a high-level language, and the Verilog simulation have different abstraction levels, thus the Verilog procedural interface (VPI) module is plugged into the Verilog simulator to connect with the virtual layer interface. In the system emulator, a Verilog RTL simulation session corresponding to a specific parameter set can be dynamically loaded at runtime to provide metamorphism by flexible partial parameter-driven RTL model replacement. We applied the proposed framework to finite impulse response (FIR) filter, and it is successfully demonstrated and achieved simulation speedup for given parameters.

    • Metamorphic Edge Processor Simulation Framework Using Flexible Runtime Partial Replacement of Software-Embedded Verilog RTL Models (application/pdf)