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Video s3
    Juhyoung Lee Headshot
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    Juhyoung Lee
    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

    Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is widely used for autonomous systems including autonomous driving, robots, and drones. DRL training is essential for human-level control and adaptation to rapidly changing environments in mobile autonomous systems. However, acceleration of DRL training has three challenges: 1) large memory access, 2) various data patterns, 3) complex data dependency due to utilization of multiple DNNs. Two CMOS DRL accelerators have been proposed to support low power, high energy-efficiency DRL training in mobile autonomous systems. One accelerator solved different data patterns and large feature map memory access problems through transposable PE architecture and Top-3 experience compression. The other accelerator supports group-sparse training and integrates the on-line DRL task scheduler to support additional compression and multi DNN DRL operations for weights.

    • Energy-Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning Accelerator Designs for Mobile Autonomous Systems (application/pdf)