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Video s3
    Vahid Nabaei Headshot
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    Vahid Nabaei
    University of Glasgow

    Brain micromotion is a major contributor to the failure of implantable neural interfaces. Brain micromotions and tissue damage can be effectively reduced in two ways: (i) miniaturization of the implantable device footprint and (ii) choosing flexible materials for the device substrate. To meet these requirements, in this work we perform two sets of modelling using finite element method in COMSOL Multiphysics. First, we model the performance of different materials ranging from stiff (e.g. Silicon) to very soft (e.g. PDMS) with different sizes to find the optimal dimension and material for the microprobe. Modelling devices with different thicknesses (50 - 200 μm) and fixed shank width (100 µm) based on different substrates, we show that the Polyimide-based microprobe exhibits a safety factor of 5 to 15 and maximum von mises stress of 248-770 MPa. Second, to analyse the device shape factor, we model different layouts based on the obtained optimal design and find that the optimal layout features von mises stress of 134.123 MPa, which is versatile and suitable to be used as microprobe especially for the brain micromotion effects mitigation purpose.
