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Video s3
    Mohsen Riahi Alam Headshot
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    Mohsen Riahi Alam
    University of Louisiana at Lafayette

    Emerging memristors offer the ability to both store and process data in memory, eliminating the overhead of data transfer between memory and processing unit. For data-intensive applications, developing efficient in-memory computing methods is under investigation. Stochastic computing (SC), a paradigm offering simple execution of complex operations, has been used for reliable and efficient multiplication of data in-memory. The data is converted from binary to bit-stream representation and multiplied by bit-wise ANDing of bit-streams. The current SC-based in-memory methods are incapable of producing accurate results. This work, to the best authors’ knowledge, develops the first accurate SC-based in-memory multiplier. We exploit the recent progress in the idea of SC, deterministic and accurate computation with bit-streams. For logical operations, we use Memristor-Aided Logic (MAGIC), and to generate bit-streams, we propose a method which takes advantage of the intrinsic properties of memristors. The proposed design improves the speed and reduces the memory usage and energy consumption compared to the state-of-the-art accurate in-memory fixed-point and off-memory SC multipliers
