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Video s3
    Advait Madhavan Headshot
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    Advait Madhavan
    University of Maryland, National Institute of Standards and Technology

    We extend the reach of temporal computing schemes by developing a memory for multi-channel temporal patterns or “wavefronts.” This temporal memory re-purposes conventional one-transistor-one-resistor (1T1R) memristor crossbars for use in an arrival-time coded, single-event-per-wire temporal computing environment. The memristor resistances and the associated circuit capacitances provide the necessary time constants, enabling the memory array to store and retrieve wavefronts. The retrieval operation of such a memory is naturally in the temporal domain and the resulting wavefronts can be used to trigger time-domain computations. While recording the wavefronts can be done using standard digital techniques, that approach has substantial translation costs between temporal and digital domains. To avoid these costs, we propose a spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) inspired wavefront recording scheme to capture incoming wavefronts. We simulate these designs with experimentally validated memristor models and analyze the effects of memristor non-idealities on the operation of such a memory.
