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Video s3
    Benjamin Carrion Schafer Headshot
    University of Texas at Dallas

    Raising the level of VLSI design abstraction from RT-level to the behavioral level poses new challenges, but also new opportunities to make the hardware robust against single-event upsets (SEUs). In this paper, we propose a new method based on the light-weight detection mechanism of data distribution of the internal signals to detect soft-errors. In particular, we study the case of how resource sharing affects the ability to detect SEUs and present comprehensive results highlighting the benefits of resources sharing to make hardware circuits more fault-tolerant. Resources sharing is typically a tedious work at the RT-level because a state machine has to be inserted to control sharing mechanism (typically muxes) of the functional unit inputs. Resources sharing can nevertheless fully automated in High-Level Synthesis (HLS). Thus, our proposed method shows that automated HLS resource sharing enables low-cost fault-tolerant designs.